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Your Real Estate playbook for the FIRST half of the NEXT Land Cycle..

Updated: 4 days ago

One Subscriber’s Search for the golden egg of real estate investment...

A subscriber reached out to me the other day, looking for a real estate strategy to advantage from the first half of the next land cycle.

This would be between the downturn into 2028-30 - and the upturn through the 2030s, until the next mid cycle, which is timed for around 2037/8.

He’d been researching online and come to some pretty poor conclusions. So, this week’s report will delve into these issues—offering insights for those currently looking to buy or getting caught up in the social media frenzy.

It’s a time where property moguls flood TikTok with their formulas for endless wealth. A classic sign of where we are in the cycle!

The chap I spoke to was searching for the ultimate investment—one that would deliver both strong capital growth and a positive rental yield. It’s the elusive golden egg of property investment that every novice investor desires. A property where the tenant covers the cost of the loan, and the landlord effortlessly reaps the rewards of rising locational/land values over time.

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