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Exclusive Interview - A Deep Dive into Predictions, Trends, and Investment Strategies for 2024 with one of Australia’s greatest economic forecasters!

Is it possible to predict short term percentage returns in the property market?


One analyst who tries to do so each year is SQM Research founder, Louis Christopher.


SQM has a strong focus on the property market.


However, they also offer comprehensive equity and fund rating services - including REITS (Real Estate Investment Trusts) and Crypto.


For the property market, SQM Research chart vacancy rates, asking property prices, rental yields, stock on market and sales data etc.  All by state and suburb.


Better still, unlike the other major data providers, much of it is free! 


The best thing about Louis, is that he has a reputation for telling it like it is!


I’ve been friends with Louis for many years and I follow his work closely. I caught up with him early Tuesday morning, for a chat – and we covered a lot of ground!


With Louis just back from a long overseas trip – he was able to give an overview of the markets in Europe as well as a description of the economic atmosphere there.


·      We covered off on the outlook for REITS - which sectors of the commercial market look set to perform well in the coming 12 months and where are the opportunities? Is it time to invest?


·      Louis gave his outlook for rates in the short to medium turn – up, down, hold?


·      We had a detailed look at all the property markets across Australia in each state and territory. Which markets does Louis have as top picks for this cycle and potentially the next?  Which markets must you avoid?


·      With some subscribers situated in New Zealand – we also touched on the property markets there. Which city was the top performer – despite the recent marked downturn in real estate prices?


·      We looked back in time at some correlations between this cycle – and previous inflationary cycles. Is history repeating and can it guide us moving forward?


·      Louis then gave an excellent breakdown on why global tensions in the Middle East should concern us so much at this time – how does it impact Australia? (It’s information investors need to be aware of.)


·      We also discussed what would happen to investment markets here if war were to affect us locally – including the impact on property prices.


All this and more!


It’s a must listen interview!

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